Node Quick Scan – Nimble This NQS

Need to know what's going on in a Node?

Node Quick Scan, or NQS, is a powerful tool that can help you quickly identify the status of any node in your network. With NQS, you can rescan any node within just 10-20 seconds, depending on the size of the node and any impairments that may be present.

One of the key benefits of NQS is that it allows you to quickly identify online, offline, and impaired modems within a node. This information can be incredibly valuable for node maintenance, allowing you to quickly identify and address any issues that may be impacting the performance of the node.

In addition to being a valuable tool for maintenance personnel, NQS is also ideal for customer service representatives (CSRs) who are looking for reactive issues. By quickly scanning a node and identifying any modems that may be offline or impaired, CSRs can proactively reach out to customers and address any issues before they become more significant problems.

Overall, NQS is an essential tool for any organization that wants to optimize its network performance and improve customer satisfaction. By quickly identifying issues and addressing them in a timely manner, you can ensure that your network is running smoothly and that your customers are happy with the service that they are receiving.

  • Rescan any node within 10-20 seconds (depends on node size and impairments)
  • Identify online, offline and impaired modems
  • Perfect for node maintenance 
  • Ideal for CSRs looking for reactive issues